With the Tcl conference not materializing again this year, I found that I needed some other venue to let my nerd flag fly. Over the past few years I have been following server makers on YouTube, in particular Angus from Maker's Muse. Some time in late may or June he put out an appeal to help him get to some sort of event called Open Sauce. Not only did I chip in for his plane travel, I decided at that point that I was going to go to.

I had a pile of vouchers from SouthWest airlines after getting stuck in Orlando with my family of 4 over Christmas. I managed to use some of them to book the flight and even pay for part of the hotel. But, of course, I love to show up with some kind of conversation starter.

I decided to go for a maker's culture meme, so I made a Benchy Hat:


At the opening party



Getting a picture with Stephan from CnC Kitchen


Of course I had to visit the submarine!


On the Cable Car


Joined the SAG protest on Market Street